Monday, July 23, 2007

"The best lack all conviction, while the worst [a]re full of passionate intensity": a Sameena update

At art class last week:

Sameena hovers behind me. She leans in and then rests her hand on part of my drawing, smudging it. "You need to darken this part when I look at that pot I see darker colors are you going to make this darker?"

"Hmmm. I'll consider that."

"Make it darker. There are darker colors I can see them right now and so you need to look."

"Thank you for your help."

"All I want to do right now is read Yeats poems and paint pictures of them."

"Oh. That sounds like fun."

Sameena recoils. "No! Not fun Emily. Not fun. It is very very serious." Sameena walks away, bristling at my sacrilege.


Anna Ziegler said...

"All I want to do is read Yeats poems and paint pictures of them."

I can't believe this person exists.

Emily said...

Oh boy does she exist! Phew! I got bullied into having tea with her tomorrow after art class, and so, that should be, um, interesting. I'll have to wear my cap and bells. ;)