Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Smackdown: Sameena v. the art teacher


Sameena, who has strategically chosen a drawing bench next to Emily's, spends several minutes leaning to one side so she can closely monitor the progress of Emily's abstract soft pastel rendition of what was meant to be "an evil-looking plant." The art teacher, who has been working her way around the room helping students, comes to Sameena.

Sameena: (pointing to Emily's art) Don't you think she should add more dark shades to those leaves?

Art teacher: You need to pay attention to your own work.

Sameena: But look at her leaves don't you think she needs darker shades?

Art teacher: Sameena, please turn around and work on your own drawing.


Sameena: (to art teacher) Maybe if you have time I could stay after class for a while and you could help me make this look more realistic.

Art teacher: Hmmm. I don't think--

Sameena: I just need you to help me for a while after class.

Art teacher: I can help you now.

Sameena: After class would be good for me.

Art teacher: No, no, I really don't have time.


It is very hot in the art studio, and Sameena, as usual, is dressed in all black with her head tightly covered. Sweat is dripping down her forehead. The art teacher, a woman in her mid-forties, wears make-up, huge earrings, a see-through white shalwar kamiz, white high heels, and no head covering.

Art teacher: (pointing at Sameena's head) Just take it off. It is very hot. No one is here.

Sameena shakes her head.

Art teacher: Who is here? It is just us women. Take it off. It is too hot. No one is here. What are you afraid of?

Sameena pauses and looks all around her for men. Seeing none, she takes off her black scarf to reveal long, shiny, black hair.

Emily: (relishing the moment a little too much) Your hair is beautiful.

Sameena: (glowing) Thank you. Don't you feel so good about your drawing? Because I look at my own and inside I feel whole and complete like I am at peace and satisfied because I know that what I've created is beautiful.

Emily: That's great.

Sameena gets up and props her drawing board against the front wall of the classroom for everyone to see.

1 comment:

Anna Ziegler said...

I really can't get enough of Sameena. Or really your illustration of Sameena. I can't stop laughing whenever I read these posts...