Thursday, June 7, 2007

Fast Times at Islamabad High

I woke up yesterday craving alcohol. It was an odd thirst, given that anything more than two drinks – or one drink, two nights in a row – promises a 48-hour bout of migraines and cold-sweat shivering, followed by a week of low-grade melancholy. I hate beer, and I only tolerate wine. I did not drink in high school, and in college I had a tepid interest in scoring a buzz once every three or four months. And yet, here I was, pre-coffee and horizontal, salivating over the idea of forbidden, illegal liquor. Whiskey Sours with omelets! Manhattans with hash browns! Tom Collinses with pancakes! Wild Turkey with a protein smoothie! How can you say no?

Deliverance came ten hours later at a U.S. embassy event that entailed waiters circulating with tequila sunrises. Until yesterday, thanks to the marathon hangover that followed my bachelorette party, the drink’s odor alone had turned my stomach. Yet I drank half of it greedily, in about 20 seconds, before I realized I was calling attention to myself.

I am also having the urge to dress like I’m a ridiculous high school sophomore. This morning I surveyed my closet of kurtas (long, loose shirts) and wrinkled linen pants, and then I stood still for a long time, unable to will myself to put on a tent. I wanted to wear a sequined spaghetti-strapped halter top and a mini skirt – two clothing items I have never even owned – even if it would mean getting kicked off the cheer leading squad or going home to change, as per the principal's instructions.

I seem to be having the high school experience I never had, and given how boring and trite all my rebellious inclinations have been so far, maybe I'll at least be popular this time around.


Unknown said...

Maybe you could wear some of those things around the house? Maybe you need someone to send you a sequined halter top and mini skirt and a bottle of Wild Turkey.

Can we see a picture of you in said tent? Just for posterity...

eudae said...

that's really funny... is it because of the forbidden taboo, you want what you can't have, or some weird subjugated reaction to the dominant culture, or, because you are boxed into a stereotype you subconsciously want to fulfill or your culture's reassertion of itself in your psyche or because it's hot?

Emily said...

Ha! Probably a stiff cocktail of all of them -- a long island iced tea of issues! But especially hot. All I've ever wanted was to be hhhhhhot.

malip316 said...

lol....hmmm...actually i just realized these posts were more than a year ago...was browsin the net wen i came accross this no ones probably gonna read this... but w.e...i really liked the way eudae put his/her a lot of sense to me having grown up in islamabad...and emily is definately rite in saying its sort of mix of all...minus the mini skirt for me tho cuz im a dude...but i have found myself thinkin of these things when ive been in england...funny how i came across this page when searching google for 'islamabad iftar times' cuz ramadan starts tomorrow...o and my friends just called me about picking me up and they;ve got drinks for a one last hurrah b4 the holy bad am i? or am i....and is it really the one last hurrah....i guess time will tell..